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About Us

Manufacturer of Sustainable Products for local and international market.

Leading manufacturer and exporter of Personal Protective Equipment.

Our product range includes high quality of:

  • 3 ply Face Cover Masks (for Adults and Kids)
  • Protective Coverall
  • Protective Isolation Gowns
  • Gloves
  • Shoe Covers
  • Head Covers

Organization’s legacy

Organization’s legacy dates back to 1980s when the owner & current director Mr. Pedio Massimo from Italy initiated the operations in Pakistan through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the textile industry and later converted into a vertically integrated setup with state of the art technology spread on over 1,000,000 sqft manufacturing plant.

Capitalizing the cheaper factor of production.

Main purpose was to capitalize the cheaper factor of production offered by the Government of Pakistan and the advantage of being textile hub, the exports reached record high with major European brands as our customers. Due to current pandemic, Mr. Pedio Massimo, realized the need to support, give back to the society and help governments counter the situation, formed a company with the name of Greeneco Limited, dedicated to PPE for health and industrial purpose. Current exports of Greeneco Limited spreads to Major European markets like Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and Germany.

GreenEco's Recognition

In recognition to the continuous 40 years of services in the textile sector, economic development and taking initiatives for social well-being, Mr. Pedio Massimo has been awarded the highest accolade; Sitara-e-Imtiaz by the President of Pakistan on behalf of Government of Pakistan, and also  was appointed as Honorary Investment Counsellor for Italy.

Chairmen's Message

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim felis nisi, quis rhoncus nisl pellentesque id. In a erat in nisl mollis pellentesque. Fusce efficitur tincidunt nulla in interdum. Mauris blandit enim non turpis accumsan, vel porta augue sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam tincidunt hendrerit aliquet. Morbi eu nisi scelerisque, egestas dolor in, condimentum leo. Donec efficitur est nec est laoreet vehicula. Phasellus tincidunt posuere lacus, nec ullamcorper ligula varius et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce mollis quam ac turpis pretium, sed elementum dui congue. Aenean sed risus risus. Integer porttitor sapien orci, sed aliquam risus rutrum non. Mauris lacus ex, euismod non laoreet quis, dignissim ut nisi. Mauris hendrerit magna a justo volutpat iaculis quis et ante.

Praesent laoreet orci vel tellus molestie, sed pellentesque tortor sagittis. Sed sit amet sapien sit amet ante pretium dapibus. Donec imperdiet diam vel nibh facilisis, eu sollicitudin metus rutrum. Proin ac eros facilisis, facilisis massa ut, euismod lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed vitae blandit nisl, at consequat mi. Ut tellus risus, condimentum et sagittis ut, ornare a urna. Fusce ornare id neque id sollicitudin. Donec lobortis ac lorem sed fermentum. Aliquam eleifend feugiat leo, et vulputate nulla pharetra et.

Pedio Massimo

Chairmen GreenEco Ltd.
(Sitara-I-Imtiaz Award Holder)

GreenEco's Subsidiaries

  • We started in 1980s as a leading manufacturer and exporter of PPE, bringing the refining principals and processes from Italy to Pakistan for production and have excelled globally through our ethically sourced and supply chain system which has become a leading methodology teaching businesses in Pakistan how:
    Safety protocols | Salary & wage systems
    Maintaining international & medical standards according to every exported to country.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eu est nisi. Mauris sit amet leo pellentesque, tempor orci vel, interdum enim. Proin vel purus sed turpis varius sodales in non est. Donec tristique purus a commodo consequat. Curabitur vel magna fringilla, bibendum ligula et, venenatis enim. Sed gravida consequat dui, sed mattis nulla consectetur efficitur. Pellentesque nec cursus lorem. Sed magna dui, vehicula eu consequat eget, eleifend malesuada eros. In sed erat quam. Aliquam vel nunc a diam dignissim vestibulum at eget turpis.

  • Forming a platform under which 2 operations take place:
    The first, to create a payment system which incorporates replenishing and creates a fulfilment system to minimize wastage by repurposing and recycling where the product can be:
    Returned | Exchanged | Upgraded | Buy-Back
    The products sold by GreenEco to it's customers to minimize wastage of materials along with creating a system of mass accessibility of eco friendly products.
    The second, forming investment and growth pipeline for startups.

  • We started in 1980s as a leading manufacturer and exporter of PPE, bringing the refining principals and processes from Italy to Pakistan for production and have excelled globally through our ethically sourced and supply chain system which has become a leading methodology teaching businesses in Pakistan how:
    Safety protocols | Salary & wage systems
    Maintaining international & medical standards according to every exported to country.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eu est nisi. Mauris sit amet leo pellentesque, tempor orci vel, interdum enim. Proin vel purus sed turpis varius sodales in non est. Donec tristique purus a commodo consequat. Curabitur vel magna fringilla, bibendum ligula et, venenatis enim. Sed gravida consequat dui, sed mattis nulla consectetur efficitur. Pellentesque nec cursus lorem. Sed magna dui, vehicula eu consequat eget, eleifend malesuada eros. In sed erat quam. Aliquam vel nunc a diam dignissim vestibulum at eget turpis.

  • Forming a platform under which 2 operations take place:
    The first, to create a payment system which incorporates replenishing and creates a fulfilment system to minimize wastage by repurposing and recycling where the product can be:
    Returned | Exchanged | Upgraded | Buy-Back
    The products sold by GreenEco to it's customers to minimize wastage of materials along with creating a system of mass accessibility of eco friendly products.
    The second, forming investment and growth pipeline for startups.